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Category: Getting Started with the Farm
The Time is Near!
We are getting closer and closer to the chicks arriving on May 4th. The chicken tractors have been built and are on the property waiting to be set up! They were built in sections for easy delivery. We still have some time to put them together as the chicks will be in the brooder in the barn when they first arrive. We should start preparing the barn soon and setting up the brooder as well.
The time is near We did check out the Oley Valley Feed Mill on chicken feed pricing and the gentleman there was very helpful and took the time to explain different feeds and what would be the best feed for our broiler chickens. I must admit… I did not expect there to be much to chicken feed! There were so many types and variables to consider: protein amounts, pellets or crumbles, types for specific breeds, organic/non-GMO or no, how early to buy the feed. It was much more informative than I though it would be. I am glad that I tagged along and was able to learn more about the feed. The gentleman helped us find the info we needed and offered to follow up with us the following Monday. I am sure we will be ordering from that specific store. The customer service was outstanding.
On a different note, I believe I have been replaced as the official main chicken farmer here at Skyline Pastures… BEFORE I even began! That’s not going to look good on my resume! It seems the founder of Skyline Pastures (Charles Lafferty) has went behind my back and found a much younger able-bodied applicant and offered the position to this young whipper snapper! This young man goes by Little CJ! My own son has stolen my job! HA!
I found this out as I was talking to Lil CJ about the chicken tractors. I told him that they are quite heavy to pick up and move. I advised that If this becomes a problem for me (I have multiple herniated disks in my neck and the strain of repetitive lifting could potentially cause issues) that I may need him to help me. Lil CJ got very offended suddenly and exclaimed that Dad had offered him the job of taking care of the chickens and paying him to do so. Well, well, the plot has thickened!
All jest aside, I am so glad that Lil CJ has taken an interest in helping on the farm! I will happily give him the job! This is exactly what we had hoped for, for our children to be a hands-on part of this journey. The deal is that he will get up each day, move the tractors to fresh pasture, feed, and water them. He will be paid for his time with the exception that he has to put half of his earnings into a savings account. I will of course be there with him each morning to supervise and provide help if needed.
This does dampen my hopes of becoming super buff, from lifting chicken tractors (providing my neck, didn’t try to kill me first). I will just have to find other ways around the farm to become super buff that does not threaten to make my spinal cord explode.
There are concerns from others that Lil CJ will not want to get up or do the job properly. He is only 13 after all. Teenagers are not exactly known for their willingness to get up early or work ethic. However, CJ has never minded getting up early. He often asks to be woken well before he needs to be up, to allow him more free time. He has done this since he was in elementary school. He knows that there are things that must be done in the morning and if he wants more time, then he must get up earlier. I do not think he will have an issue with getting up early and I will be there to supervise that he is doing the job properly.
This should not interfere with school at all as he does cyber school at home and classes do not start until 8:30am. He will have plenty of time to take care of the chickens before classes. He does not have to worry about getting ready or catching a bus. It works out quite well for him. He will only have to take care of chickens and school for a month as classes end for summer on June 5th. We do not plan on having chickens during the fall when school begins again.
I think this is going to work out well, and again, I am thrilled that he has the desire to help! Instead of being replaced, I will think of it as being promoted from Farm Laborer to Farm Manager. Does that mean I get a raise??? Not likely! I guess I will just have to be happy that death via chickens is not imminent. (I do not have to worry about Lil CJ dying via chicken… he is much younger, has no fear, and can run faster. HA!).