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home and planning
Home and planning
My husband is home from Kuwait! Home 9 days to be exact. We are happy to have him back and we are getting back into the swing of things here at home!
We had discussed house shopping while he was deployed and decided when he came home, we would begin the process. However, the process is very lengthy and detailed for us as we have many decisions to make and work to be done before we can even begin.
We need to decide whether to rent or sell our current home. Each of those choices come with a slew of other decisions to be made. There is quite a bit of work to be done on this house before we can rent or sell. Walls need to be painted, walls fixed, carpets cleaned, as well as a host of other items that need to be taken care of.
My dear sweet husband likes to say, “we can buy a home and move right now if we wanted”. That may be true but not feasible and not an option we would like to take based on finances so to me it is not even an option to consider. Just not possible for us at the moment.
I am motivated. The process of getting our home ready, deciding on which path to take, and planning is going to take long enough for us. I do not wish to procrastinate. I want to get started early, make timelines, prepare. My husband has two years left before he can retire from the military and start his full-scale farm. I would like to move this process along as quickly as possible so that we can buy a new home, start a mini farm, and see how that goes. It is a great plan for the beginning to see if he truly enjoys it as much as he thinks he will and to see if it is profitable enough to retire and go full scale in two years. I do not want him to wait and jump into something that has great potential for success but also has great potential for failure. Make no mistake, I have the utmost faith in my husband! However, a new venture is never guaranteed, and things don’t always work out the way they are planned. I would like to be prepared for things to go south. I do not want him to get out of the military, start a farm, things go bad and force him back into the workforce (without the previous benefits he enjoyed in the military). I want a back up plan. That is very important to me.
I think that my husband agrees with me on these things, but he does not seem motivated. I know that he will put forth effort to make a good buying choice when purchasing a home. That time is still far off though. We can’t even begin to think of that until the work and plans are completed first. I know that day 9 of homecoming might sound a bit too soon for some. I also know that 2 years can go by very quickly, before you even realize it. I do not want to lose valuable time that he could be putting forth on his trial farm. The less time he has to try out his desires then the less time he will have to make an informed decision of retiring or staying in the military. Which happens to be a pretty big decision for him/us.
So no more dilly dallying, lets get this party started, start talking and making things happen! Time for me to crack that whip and get him moving! We set a 1pm date today to start our discussions. This pleases me.