Getting Ready

Things are happening!

Kids with Wheelbarrow

We ordered the chickens and they will arrive May 1st! So exciting! I am a little nervous as well, seeing as how I ran from a duck in the past. (He was a very aggressive duck.) How am I going to control all these chickens? Are they going to attack me? Does it hurt when a chicken pecks you? I should google that one!

We will be doing the chicken tractor method, so wile they will be free to roam inside, they will be contained at least. I do have a plan…. I will make them all love me from the moment they arrive. I will be Chicken Mama! Chickens don’t attack their mama, right?

My husband is probably concerned about a great deal of things, while I am here googling “how NOT to die from chickens”. HA! We all have our priorities, and NOT getting attacked by chickens is my highest one.

My husband’s father is building the chicken tractors and that is well underway. He will deliver them, and we will set them up here on the farm once they are complete. The Idea is that the tractors will be moved to a new patch of grass every day, so that the animals are always exposed to fresh pasture. I am a little concerned about this as well since I will be the one moving these structures daily. I am a small petite girl. I don’t expect the tractors to be small and petite. My husband assures me that I will have no problem moving the tractors. I hope his faith in me is well placed! One thing about me though, is that I am very determined! Where there is a will, there is a way! I will get it done, even if I have to train my chickens to help me! Heave chickens, HEAVE!!!

Here on the farm we have been getting things done as well. Mostly splitting and stacking firewood, lots and lots of firewood. The gentleman who owned this farm prior to us, left a large amount of wood that needs to be split and stacked. Huge piles of it, lying around various parts of the property. A gracious friend let us borrow his wood splitter and it has been a blessing! I will say that it is hard work. Everyone is tired of stacking wood. Well, everyone except my husband… he seems to enjoy it. The kids are tired, I am tired. We do love the wood stove, however, so the kids and I try to remember that as we are stacking the millionth piece of wood. We turned the last stacking event into a game. Dad hauls the split wood from one location to the kids and I to stack. We try to hurry up and stack it all before he returns with the next batch. If we are successful, we sit down and act bored, as if we have been waiting for ever, asking dad what took so long when he arrives. Which in turn makes dad try to load faster to see if he can beat us. This makes for a very effective day and the job gets done quite quickly with minimal complaining from the children… and myself. My husband never complains, no matter how hard the work is, no matter how visibly tired he is, he just keeps on going till the job is done. He is amazing!


Here is to getting things done one day at a time! Soon the farm will be up and running!


One response to “Getting Ready”

  1. Diane Avatar

    Good luck with the farm life an watch those chickens u have a beautiful place there