about me – tanya


About me – Tanya


My name is Tanya and I am a 39 year old stay at home mom of two children, Alayna (13) & CJ (12). Both of my children are in enrolled in a cyber school and do their classes/school work at home.  My husband CJ (who goes by Dad in this house) is in the Army and currently deployed to Kuwait. He has been away since January 2nd of this year. We have 3 pets, Missy Meow Meow (a Maine Coon mix), Mr. Meow Meow (a rescued stray), and Tank (a Great Dane/Mastiff mix).

My home is crazy busy 24/7. At the moment, I am everything: Mom, Dad, teacher, mechanic, landscaper, handyman, maid and servant to my pets. It is hectic to say the least!

I will openly admit that the farming idea was not my own. I did not grow up on a farm but spent a bit of my time at Uncle Shorty’s farm and it was work, work, work from sun up to sun down. That is not the lifestyle I envisioned for myself. I also ran from a neighbor’s duck the other week like it was a velociraptor, determined to eat me alive. Evidently, I can handle 150lbs of pure muscle dog, but a duck chasing me is just too much.

However, my husband encouraged me back in 2005 to leave the workforce so that I could achieve my dream of staying home with my children. For the past 13 years I have been able to live my dream life because of the hard work and sacrifices my husband has made for our family. Now it is his turn. He deserves to spend the next part of his life doing what he loves and living a happier lifestyle.  I will do whatever it takes to make that happen for him, even if it means being chased by chickens.

I am looking forward to him coming home soon and starting the next journey of our lives: the process of moving forward from our current lifestyle to full scale farmers. From no farming experience, to jumping right into it… this is going to be interesting. I hope you will stay a while and enjoy the experience with us!

  • Tanya